Content marketing and SEO? How does it work?


The organic results from the Google searching engine are a source of a potential movement, which may not be forgotten when planning any marketing actions. Why? Because more than 90% of English use this searching engine when looking for information on the Internet. 

If our website is displayed on the very first page of the searching results, what it means for us are certainly new customers to come. Of course, the SEO process is a long and complicated one, and apart from that it also requires rich technical expertise as well as constant adaptation of your actions to the algorithm of the searching engine. Yet, there are still actions which we can undertake as creators of the website in order to secure us a better position in the searching results. The key to success is the so called content marketing.

What is the content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategy based on creating user friendly contents. It should first of all provide us with regular reports as to the topics which might potentially interest our customers. The content marketing is often used in various forms of communication, starting with blog entries, through infographics up to the audio and video materials. The role it plays for the marketing actions is immense since it boost the sales very much. How do we use the content marketing when positioning the website?

How to get valuable links?

If we want to be remembered and recognized by our customers as true professionals, we should always publish contents valuable for the issue of our business and somehow related with the branch we stand for on a regular basis. Those interested in the published topics will surely get themselves acquainted with blog entries or video materials as well. If they find there information they are interested in, it’s actually more than certain that sooner or later they will be back. Yet, not only regular publishing counts here but also high quality. Potential customers will like us on Facebook or subscribe our newsletter. And if our contents are interesting enough, these customer may not only be back but also share the entries on their websites, a similar Internet forum or a social media profile. The link acquired in this way will help us improve the visibility of our website in the searching results and direct further visitors to our page as well.

A link profile directing guests to the website is still the top factor for the SEO and has a major influence on the position which our website gets in the searching results. The content marketing is therefore one of the components of an effective link campaign. 

But remember! Fortunately blogs run on a different domain than the home website are slowly becoming a thing of the past now, although we can still observe such cases even today. A separate blog is in the understanding of the SEO a great mistake, indeed. If the blog is not a part of our website, the links directing to it will not improve the position of the home domain. True, if the blog links to our website, there’s a slight chance of a good influence, but it’s hardly ever of any importance. If the blog is not placed on a different domain on purpose (for example due to a seasonal and planned promotion campaign), let’s publish it on our website. 

How to get a movement of the long-tail phrases?

A great number of branch contents are an excellent source of generating movements from the searching engine for the long-tail keywords (i.e. enquires consisting of a few words, relating to given issues). For the competition here is smaller, the long-tail keywords allow us often to get satisfying SEO results in a shorter time. If our entry respects the basic SEO rules (which means a proper H1 structure, submitted meta data, alt attributes for images, written with the thought of the searching phrases etc.), the chance that it will soon appear on the top of the list is quite a large one. Additionally, linking a valuable content, which we have mentioned before, will help us get to the top as well.

Yet, the power of long-tail keywords is not obvious to everyone. These phrases generate fewer searchings per month than the short competitive keywords. Bear in mind that this positioning strategy aims for a large number of such phrases which reflect our offer well and also help us gain interest of potential customers. With hundreds of long-tail phrases, a rich theme blog can generate a considerable movement on the website. 

Furthermore, a good expertise as to the theme entries may appear useful in the sales as well. Should the customer be in doubt, we can always send them a link to one of the articles which we have placed on our website. It’s not only time-saving (because we would need to explain the whole matter otherwise) but also supports our image as professionals. If the content enjoys a high popularity amongst readers (confirmed by comments or shares), then it’s an additional signal of our thoroughness. A well-written article about the problematic issue may help the customer get rid of doubts and encourage them to make the buying decision.


The content marketing works as the contemporary world demands it. It answers the needs of the today’s customers, conscious and vigilant, searching for a product which would fill all their conditions. Such customers come back and that’s what we should emphasize here with particular strength. They have been our readers for a long time and make the buying decisions consciously. The content marketing with all the actions we perform in this scope has a value added for the positioning of our website. Creating of contents and positioning of links basing on the content marketing answers the requirements of the Google for webmasters to the full extent. Thus, for the sake of your website, do think about introducing the content marketing right into action.