People spend more and more time on mobile devices. At the same time, they watch less and less TV – but the old habits don’t change. People still watch moving images but now they do it on a different screen – that of a smartphone or tablet. This opens up new advertising opportunities for hoteliers.
The average time Internet users spend daily watching video online is projected to increase by over 23% in 2015 and by further 20% in the coming year according to a report by ZenithOptimedia and Newcast.
This significant increase is a result of the growing number of smartphone and tablet users as well as of the growing intensity of “smartphoning” by the current users. Taking into account mobile devices only, the increase of online video consumption is expected to reach as much as 44% this year (which is almost twice as higher than the dynamics of growth for all devices with Internet access) and 35% in the coming year.
Next year, Internet users will watch videos on mobile devices more often than on desktop computers. In 2012, 23% of time devoted to online video consumption was spent on mobile devices, reaching 40% in 2014, with 53% projected for 2016 (and counting).
For a few years now, the time spent watching traditional TV has been decreasing and it’s expected that in 2016 the percentage of people who regularly watch TV will decrease for the first time according to the “Media Consumption Forecast 2015” published by ZenithOptimedia media house.
The growing dynamics of expenditure on online advertising should thus come as no surprise. Its growth in 2015 is projected at 29%, 22% the next year and 20% in 2017. Online video advertising is therefore the fastest growing segment of advertising.
Based on Marketing przy Kawie / Mobile napędza konsumpcję wideo online