We pledge to slash hospitality stress

Wake Up! UK hoteliers are on the brink of burn-out (2)

Patryk Luszcz, our UK Regional Director,says: “It's time to end skyrocketing hospitality stress levels for good”

From battling a staffing crisis to rising interest rates and inflation, UK hoteliers are facing unprecedented pressure, with nearly one in seven reaching breaking point during these periods.

Understanding this problem, we commissioned research, which revealed more than half of British hoteliers are teetering on the edge of burnout and contemplating leaving their roles due to skyrocketing stress levels. 

The study also revealed that nearly 70 per cent of hoteliers have considered leaving their position due to stress. This is marked by 72 per cent of hoteliers describing their stress levels as “high” during peak Christmas and summer periods.

This research has illuminated the pressing needs of hoteliers, prompting our commitment to alleviate the soaring stress levels that are pushing them to their limits.

We pledge to achieve this through an overhaul of hotel tech operations before the coming peak summer season. This includes seamlessly enhancing guest satisfaction, driving direct bookings, and boosting total revenue spend across all areas within a hotel's operation.

Our UK Regional Director, Patryk Luszcz says: "Our team of hospitality tech experts has earned their title through extensive experience in managing UK hotel businesses. Compromised largely by former hoteliers and industry professionals, we possess a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in running a UK hotel.

“We are acutely aware of the daily challenges confronting UK hoteliers, and it's our commitment to continually grasp the evolving landscape. 

“This pledge underscores our dedication to aligning with hoteliers' specific business objectives and proactively supporting those UK hoteliers to navigate the current, arguably very challenging business climate"

Our four Profitroom pledges outline our strategy to transform the industry and alleviate stress during peak times:


End the stress

The hospitality industry is notorious for its pressure points, but we believe no individual should be pushed to their breaking point.

We pledge to offer support through one-on-one therapy sessions with our team of experts. We're here to listen, provide free expert advice and demonstrate how Profitroom can immediately benefit your operation without any initial investment.

We are always available to propose new tech developments, strategies and data insights tailored to each site's requirements.

Through this commitment, we aim to alleviate staff burdens, allowing them to focus on enhancing the guest experience.

Let us make your next peak season the least stressful yet. We promise to increase direct bookings, decrease reliance on OTAs, deploy premium automated marketing campaigns, optimise room rates and spending, and enhance personalisation.

To level up the tech space of the UK hospitality 

According to our research 71% of hoteliers felt an effective automated booking system would dramatically reduce their stress levels. Yet, many hotels are still stuck with outdated systems and websites.

Recognising this gap we are committed to revolutionising the digital presence of UK hotels.

From loading speeds and functionality to aspects and options of choice, we promise to level up the digital presence of UK hotels, making their digital presence more effective and user-friendly.

Offer free personalisation sessions as standard

The impact of personalisation is undervalued within many UK hotels and we're dedicated to reshaping this crucial aspect of hospitality. 

Through complimentary 30-minute personalisation sessions, we aim to share the profound impact personalisation can have on each specific hotel.

We aim to empower hoteliers to better understand their target audience and tailor their services to enhance guest experiences, reduce cart abandonment and drive revenue. 

Through customisable packages and user-friendly data insights on the Profitroom dashboard, we enable hotels to deliver ultra-personalised services that set them apart in the hospitality sector.

We'll diminish over-reliance on OTAs

Many independent hoteliers struggle with OTA reliance, but it doesn't have to be this way. We guarantee to boost direct bookings and room spending for all our clients, reducing their reliance on OTAs.

Not only will we enhance the booking journey to encourage direct bookings, but we'll also help hoteliers build a loyal guest base through our integrated loyalty solution and personalised email marketing strategies.

Powered by AI, hoteliers can create professional campaigns in minutes to promote limited-time deals, new facilities, and rooms. Our Profitroom platform can generate targeted and personalised campaigns to increase direct bookings and retain guest loyalty.

To continuously understanding the issues hoteliers face

We understand the hurdles hoteliers encounter in their day-to-day operations and it is our mission to stay ahead of this curve to develop actionable strategies to address these issues.

Our team is eager to visit hotels, experiencing firsthand a day in the life of a hotelier, offering professional insights and tailored suggestions to streamline operations.

UK Regional Director, Patryk Luszcz says: "We firmly believe that no hotelier should ever find themselves grappling with stress levels that push them to their breaking point.

“Our recent study has shed light on the precise pressures weighing on hotel staff, and based on this research we pledge to provide effective solutions to alleviate these burdens. 

“We stand by our commitment to minimise stress not only for hoteliers but for all members of the hospitality staff."



Marlena Platkowska - Senior Marketing Executive