Thousands of your guests' personal details pass through your hotel everyday. It is your responsibility to ensure it’s kept safe and secure, even when only being transported. So make sure you use the correct version of TLS.
To secure (encrypt) data sent over the Internet, the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol has been used for a long time. Its versions change and the current and considered a secure version of TLS is 1.2.
The use of previous, i.e. older versions of TLS (1.0 and 1.1) is highly dangerous. They contain so-called vulnerabilities (errors) that allow for capturing and decoding transmissions. In other words, if you use previous versions of the protocol, third parties can access personal data that is sent via the Internet to your system - you put the data of your guests at risk!
Proper care of data security is required from you by, among others, the well known GDPR. The regulations require a risk analysis of the resources processing personal data. The use of encryption that is not effective to secure personal data is a high risk of violating the rights and freedoms of a natural persons (Article 33 point 1 of the GDPR), which is subject to a penalty imposed by a proper authority.
Profitroom uses the latest TLS (1.2) protocol, but your and your guests' security also depends on your connection to the PMS (hotel management system) provider. Contact them to make sure that your guests' data is transferred securely, in other words that your PMS also supports TLS 1.2 (and if not, react immediately!).
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Author: Karolina Dziedzic, Business Partner Manager