Use of promo-code offers for event sales

Organization of a conference is a real challenge for hoteliers, especially when the offered conference packages include accommodation. In such cases the hotel faces a few challenges, like: how to show the contracted rates for dedicated groups in the most effective way, how to secure the bookings and the booking process itself.

The simplest and most effective solution is to create a ‘Promo-code offer’ which will be personalized for a particular event with terms included in the contract.

How to distribute the offer? We recommend the following solutions:

  1. by sending a link of the dedicated offer to the organizer, who will send it to the participants of the event,
  2. by advising the participants to enter the promotional code in the dedicated 'promo code' field in the booking panel or inside the UPPER Booking Engine,
  3. by creating the dedicated subpage on the hotel’s website for conference participants. In addition to information about conference facilities, it is also worth to give possibility for conference participants to insert the promo code on the same subpage.

What does this look like in practice?

Have a look at the website

This solution can also improve the work of the Reception or Reservation Department, which will no longer have to manually enter the list of names sent by the organizer. On check-in, the Receptionists will have access to the necessary information such as the name of the event, the rate and the type of payment. It will allow for a swift and professional check in of the guests.

The hotel also increases the chance of additional occupancy during the event, thanks to the possibility of creating a separate allotment for the dedicated group. As a result, the hotel avoids the need to close the entire availability, during the period of the event.

A clear offer and an easy reservation process are the keys to success.

The customers can make their own room reservation for the time of the event they are attending. They receive a formal confirmation with booking conditions so they are certain of the terms of their reservation.

Thanks to this simplified booking procedure, the hotel has the chance to organize the events with the same organizer once again. They can also gain new customers who, thanks to fast and professional service, are more likely to get acquainted with the offer and to return in the future.

It really works. The following sales results show the effectiveness of selling promo-code offers in one of Krakow’s hotels. As you can see they represent quite an important percentage of the total revenue.

At Profitroom we are open to create innovative solutions to meet the needs of the hoteliers and help them increase profits from direct sales. This is one of the reasons why the possibility of creating promo-code offers came to life. We encourage you to try this method in practice and see how it can increase your income from sales during conferences organised in your hotel. For more information write us at